Life-Changing Brownies

When you send the gift of Bridge House Brownies, you send a delicious gift baked with purpose.

We are proudly owned and operated by Community Table Kitchen, a social enterprise of Bridge House - a Colorado nonprofit. 

Bridge House helps adults experiencing homelessness leave the streets behind by employing, housing and supporting them as they get a foothold to transform their lives.

That means each bite of our truffle brownies represents opportunities for people seeking a hand up to a better future. 

Be a part of a recipe that works! Send a gift that matters today!

Learn about our revolutionary program

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Seamless Business Gifting

Consider us your Chief Gifting Officers. Whether you're sending a special birthday gift or 1,000 thank you boxes to clients with customized messaging, we will tend to every detail of your order. 

Just send us your gift recipient list and we'll take it from there! 

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